
hardcase, Redbrick's web server, serves or proxies all http requests. See services/httpd in nixos for current configuration


Redbrick vhost This is responsible for Rewriting legacy user dir addresses redbrick.dcu.ie/~username too username.redbrick.dcu.ie

This vhost is configured to send all traffic to index.html as the current site relies on react to decide on page loads


We use a nix function to template out user vhosts

All Vhosts are declared in vhost.nix. These vhost can be used to explicitly overwrite user vhosts.

The vhost doesn't have to be the same as the user name this allows clubs, societies or DCU sites to have different vhosts to their username. The reason the dir is specified is some users have multiple sites in their webspaces with different vhost.

User vhosts Generation

To update the list of users in apache ssh to the apache server and run

cd services/httpd
ldapsearch \
    -b o=redbrick -h ldap.internal -xLLL \
    objectClass=posixAccount uid homeDirectory gidNumber \
| python3 ldap2nix.py /storage/webtree/ > users.nix

It will query ldap for a list of all users, clubs and societies and create the users.nix that will be used in nixos rebuild.

Then generate the preliminary certs for every domain so that httpd can start:

# List all acme-selfsigned-* services and put them in a txt file.
# Do this with `systemctl status acme-selfsigned-<tab>`
cat selfsigned-svcs.txt | xargs systemctl start

Now apache will start. Generate the real certs for each domain, one at a time as to not get rate limited

cd /var/lib/acme
for cert in *; do
    journalctl -fu acme-$cert.service &
    systemctl start acme-$cert.service && kill $!
systemctl reload httpd